My wife [34/f] is giving me [34/m] 2 options; Divorce or never see family FOREVER

DTMFB. You stuck your dick into crazy. DUMP HER.

Plan, prepare and execute a divorce strategy in stealth. Tell no one, not even your closest friends. This is a plan which you need to execute over the course of 6 months to a year to insure you get the proper outcome and you cut this cancer out of your life, forever. You must be careful and very quiet about it and the only time your STBX should know is when she's served by a process server and you're safely out of harms way.

Your marriage is over. Accept it.

1.Secure all valuables, bank statements, brokerage statements, vehicle titles, property deeds, retirement accounts, Health/Life/Property & Casualty/Automotive Insurance, guns/weapons, Keys to autos & homes, etc. to a secure location that you can easily access. Put hidden cameras in all common areas of the home. Women like her make false accusations and you'll catch her irrational, violent behavior on video and record to the cloud with a date/time stamp. You can legally record in your home.

2.Close any and all joint bank accounts. Put a lock on your credit to insure that she can't obtain credit under your SSN. Close all joint credit cards and credit accounts. She can put her big girl panties on and deal with it. Change passwords on any and every account, email, social networking site or other accounts you may have and secure.

3.Seek legal counsel, plan, prepare and file for divorce. Marital counseling is a waste of time. Divorce, like marriage, is all business. You're unwinding a business deal gone bad. Self-preservation and making good business decisions is paramount. Get an RO to protect yourself, your home, your family, your friends and place of work.

/r/relationship_advice Thread