My Wife Poured a Bottle of Water On Me and I think I'm Done

Not to give unsolicited advice, but my ex berated me for our whole relationship. Breaking point was I dropped a pasta noodle on the stove and started explaining to me how to WIPE UP THE STOVE, complete with “see how I’m doing this”… I started reading about narcissists (which IS an overused/misapplied term) but it hit like a ton of bricks. Dipped right out. It’s not the onions, it’s control. It will very, very likely not get any better. They are miserable people intent on either feeling powerful to compensate for insecurity or they truly, honestly believe they’re better than anyone. Fascinating takeaway was that narcissists don’t really deserve sympathy (as compared to like Bipolar, BPD, etc.) I realize a marriage is a bigger commitment than relationship, but the first night after moving my stuff out I felt like ME again. It’s heartbreaking to feel like a constant disappointment.

/r/offmychest Thread