My wife is stuck in CPTSD, could psilocybin in microdosing help her?

I understand all of the above.

You may be projecting a bit as my comment was aimed more at a novice who was not aware of how calming sensory spaces could help with anxiety.

Clearly you are an expert. While I did not mean to be dismissive, my offer is clearly not aligned for you.

Autism can be a challenge, but it can also lead to super powers, and I personally like to focus on those positives, for myself, my wife and my family.

Sorry you are facing challenges but lashing out at someone who is trying to help --based on a brief Reddit comment, no less-- is kind of a waste.

I didn't assume I knew anything about you, I just wanted to try to help.

Learning about spectrum was eye opening for me and not everyone is as far down the path as you.

I hope you are able to find some peace along your journey. Good luck.

/r/microdosing Thread Parent