Microdosing psilocybin and breastfeeding

I do not have any experience with this at all, I am not a mom. I feel like psilocybin is so safe. BUT there are so many studies that indicate that all chemicals and drugs and everything you intake passes to the fetus/baby. There has been some evidence in some studies that THC may get the fetus high. This is only my opinion, but until its known what kind of effect the mushrooms could have on the brain development or whatever, I would think long and hard about how comfortable I would be knowing that there could be a chance my child could be getting high, without any choice, or that the effect of small doseson a fetus is unknown. I'm probably over thinking it and I have an anxiety disorder. Likely its OK, probably better than anything else... but you'd never know until the science happens. I have issues with guilt and shame, so personally, if I continued to MD while pregnant, and something happened to my child, I would always wonder if that had something to do with it until i knew for certain that it didn't. On the flip side - maybe there is an ongoing study that you could participate in and continue MDing under supervision?

/r/microdosing Thread