NASA Releases Climate Change Images As Trump Still Claims It Doesn't Exist

I've actually done a bit of research on this (as I'm sure many other redditors have). But his stance is really quite confusing. He has said time and time again that he's going to repeal any climate-focused actions by the previous administration that put unnecessary burdens on American businesses. So, for example if there was a 20% tax on carbon emissions that caused a coal plant to be 20% more expensive than a solar plant, he'd remove it (I'm oversimplifying just for discussion).

And at the same time, he's said that he wants to explore all forms of energy, which is quite left of where a lot of the GOP is when they say they want to put coal miners back to work (i.e. more coal plants). He's also said he wants everyone to have access to clean air and water - which echos a "clean energy" type of administration.

So, as with just about everything with this guy, we'll have to wait and see. But I don't think he's going to just throw away all of the progress that Obama has made towards curbing carbon emissions. Of course I could be 100% wrong.

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