This is the nastiest jail in America you'll ever see

No, I've cleaned mold out of my place, I ran a salt water aquarium which trust me makes problems like this common. I also have allergies, I had no problem with a fan, some bleach and some paint. I didn't see a need for a plumber, it didn't look like anything was leaking, more than likely it was from steam so I do agree with better ventilation. A specialist no, somebody from hvac should be more than equipped to handle this situation. I work as an engineering contractor and I have been sent to deal with accounts at prisons, you would be surprised how much peoples hands are tied, we can only take in limited types of tools and most time are unable to fully complete the assignments they ask of us. They are criminals, and, confidence men, if you're lucky, no chances can be taken for them to acquire any kind of tool. Granted it is a temporary fix unless they shut down the prison and transfer all those prisoners so that renovations can be made, but, that is not going to happen. I'm sorry if they didn't break the law they wouldn't be there. I know it feels good to agree that no one should live in those conditions, however, look at the flip side of what it would take to perform major renovations on the scale it would take to make the necessary renovations to bring that prison up to date, also, this was no ones fault, the technology we have now was not available when that prison was built, and I'm sorry re-occurring problems with living conditions that force these inmates to do something about it, is a good thing. Idle hands are the..........

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