Naughty Dog on Twitter: "Join us Tuesday, 8/30 for the reveal of a new map and an update on #Uncharted4 Multiplayer:"

You're not helping your case by bringing up Esports.

Except that I am, it just shows you that

A) Uncharted's multiplayer is irrelevant, no one is interested in it

B) it's irrelevant because it's a shallow, tacked on and generic game with no depth. If there was something special about it, something unique, something that makes it stand out then it would least have some mild interest in it.

You're senselessly saying U4 MP is bad just purely on that there isn't MLG Esports going on for it when multiple people told you that they recently just started into Esports but that doesn't even matter.

So according to you, no one cares about Esports yet they're supposedly starting getting into it? Nice contradiction

And no, they're not just getting into it. They had a casual tournament in Canada, that doesn't equate to having an E sports scene.

Go look at games on MLG and ESL, those games have e sport scenes, pro players, people who fly in from all over the world to play, vested interest from both viewers and sponsors, circuits that span multiple tournaments.

I'd tell you but I don't want to embarrass you with my skill less Gnasher.

Translation: I've never played Gears of War, I can't give you my Gamertag because it doesn't exist herp derp

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