Why do Nctzens hate Mark so much?

Someone correct me if I am wrong. Maybe I have just read too many comments and posts starting out with I love Mark and Taeyong but......

This I really don't like man and this hate aganist them this time is so serve or I don't know if it was before I joined at late 2019 hate aganist them wasn't there much but after the SuperM the hate has increased a lot . I remember that once I watched the line distribution of Kick it people were like I love mark, Ty and went to hate on them. And around 90s love the hate aganist Mark is so extreme. what I want to say is people are normalizing the hate aganist them today ,tommorow it might be some other members we should resolve this problem in the fandom as fast as possible because this hating on members really needs to end it isn't fine this might make people feel Nctzens are toxic.

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