Need help deciphering INFJ male

I wouldn't invest that time in someone or discuss such an intimate subject unless I was falling quite suddenly for someone. I would however need time to reflect on and digest things myself, maybe fearful about the imminent vulnerability that such a level of connection implies and trying to bring these frantically developing feelings under control (futile though the endeavour would be). The 10+ hours surrounded by new people wpuld be greatly draining, despite how animated he may have come across. That, in itself, would require a few days of isolated recovery haha You're the focus of the obsession he's likely denying he has, so maybe give him the opportunity to be alone with you but just not in too intentionally romantic, intense an environment. If it were organised around a very mundane, ordinary task or in a peaceful/casual outdoor environment (e.g. walking dogs in a park, studying in a cafe, enjoying a shared hobby together at home or even inviting friends over but suggesting he come round earlier to help set up "and stuff", make him feel helpful and in his element xD). If you chose the "activity" (or excuse...) but leave the timeframe open ("some time over the next week") then the fact you have taken the initiative to select the atmosphere you want to engage with him in is quite assertive/attractive and he also doesn't feel trapped or confined by a specific time.

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