[spoilers]Kaine is my favorite Spider character(Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #5)

[Spoiler](/s"In clone conspiracy Jackal found a way to clone people and keep their memories in tact. Ben was a test subject and in revenge cloned jackal and took over. From there he used the cloning to convince people that he could revive the dead and cure all illnesses, but they had to take a pill to stay alive and they had to serve him. Literally every spider character comes back to life and he tricks countless people into thinking their loved ones are alive and healthy. However they all have the carrion virus. Ben digs up Uncle Ben's corpse to have leverage on Peter.

Eventually he fails and he decides to activate the carrion virus in the clones. Which means a lot of folk start to go mad and attack their loved ones. However it's stopped, but almost all of the clones die again. Additionally those who are terminally ill are returned to their loved ones with death imminent as Ben never intended to cure anything, just clone people. So essentially everyone gets to watch their loved ones die again or have their hopes of cured loved ones dashed instead replaced with people who will die.")

So complete monster in my books.

/r/comicbooks Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com