NEED HELP? Got a question? Wondering what that bump is? Problems with a routine or product? This thread’s the place to ask! // Ask SCA, Week of January 11th, 2016

Hi, I just have a question about routine with Retin- A Micro. I've had normal but mostly clear skin growing up but on my 29th birthday this past Fall (almost immediately) I developed adult acne and I broke out badly around my chin and hairline. I did everything I could on my own for about 3 weeks but when I didn't see any improvement I went to a dermatologist and she prescribed me topical medications. ONEXTON GEL 1.2%-3.75% in the mornings and RETIN-A MICRO GEL 0.08% in the evenings. At the moment, my skin is peeling pretty badly and I know it's supposed to happen but can anyone review my routine and let me know if I'm doing things properly so that I’m not accidently sabotaging my goal for clear skin? (I’m getting the idea that it will be more or less 3 months before I see results)

Morning: - Cleanse face by rubbing Virgin, Unrefined Coconut Oil and Jojoba Oil onto my face in the shower (Gently massaging in circles to take away some of the awful peeling)
- Wait 15 minutes and then apply Onexton Gel all over my face. - Wait another 15-20 mins and then I put on “Regenerist Luminous Facial Oil” and a small layer of “Aquafor” - I then put on make-up ….I work in an office and I make presentations and I need to look presentable. I can’t really avoid putting on makeup and concealer. I use “Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse” and “Maybelline Dreamlumi Touch Concealing Gel Wand” , I skip the pressed or loose powder. I use 1 of those blending sponges I keep a small container of “Aquafor” in my desk drawer for when the flaking and peeling (especially around my mouth) starts to creep up

Evening: - Cleanse face straight away after work (around 7pm) with Ceraphil Gentle Cleanser and Oil cleanse again. - Wait 15 minutes and then apply Retin-A Micro Gel all over my face. - Wait another 15-20 mins and then I put on “Regenerist Luminous Facial Oil” and a good layer of “Aquafor”

( Once or twice a week I will also use ”Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Facial Polishing Mask” either in the morning or at night – before I do my oil cleansing)

**Any Suggestions on how to keep Aquafor from smearing my pillow? Or Suggestions on sleep habits for when your face is slathered in gunk? I try and sleep on my back but in the middle of the night I roll around **

I do this routine daily for the work week and then for the weekends or days off I try as much as possible NOT to use any make up, unless I have to go to a big event…which is never really.

I appreciate the feedback. I go back to my dermatologist at the end of the Month but if I’m doing something wrong I want to know right away so that I can get back on track and have beautiful, problem free skin again.

Thanks so much for your feedback!

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