Are you guys as delusional and uneducated as your country's decisions and "noise" make you look?

I would like to believe that, but have you seem all the recent news? I mean, the number of gun-related violence (higher than all of Europe and Australia combined, I believe), the obesities rate, the fact that their health and education system are nothing more than sad jokes, the absurd amount of money that is taken away from their pockets and used for their war games around the world...

Heck, did you saw the quick first comments? America truly is classy.

Should we also mention the fact that: How coward, how empty, how delusional, must someone have to be to accept putting is life on the line and kill some civilians around the world for a stupid piece of tissue (a "flag") and a particular area of land (that belongs to everybody on the planet, not just to any fat delusional person that was born on a particular side of a particular border), or so do they want to believe... Heck, we know that they are doing it for all the congressman and bosses of those military companies. They leave their fucking families. They leave their fucking lives, behind.

What a country. It just pisses me off that there's a possibility that the majority of the USA population is so disgustingly ignorant to actually believe that they are worth more than my loved ones, for example.

That's the kind of think that makes a man willing to believe anything and do anything in order to protect his family from those dangerously delusional and ignorant people.

Bowie just died, and I'm listening to him. He left something so beautiful, behind. Imagine what the USA could do for the world of science, art and quality of life, peace and so on, if they didn't spent trilions on big macs, flags, guns and bullets.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread Parent