In need of some reassurance or peace of mind: Is the world coming to an end?

I have no idea if this will help or not but here goes...

I think in a way similar to how your dad probably thinks.

I also think society doesn't have all the answers (or when it does those are societies "normal" answers and not the right answers for everyone. No society has ever been fair, just, perfect or without trouble that goes without saying. Maybe your dad was hurt by society a little bit, like I was hurt by society.

There's nothing wrong with trying to be prepared. The more prepped we are the stronger we are.

However we can't prepare for everything.

Also those people dying of starvation and disease are doing without those resources that are available right now that are going to waste or not being shared with them.

Rather than hermit-ting or isolating he and you could do selective socialization, where you keep reaching out for new people but selectively.

I think there are a lot of us that see how the world is and get intimidated by it, but we have to keep going somehow.

Sometimes flexibility and creativity are a better plan than just a bug in?

Food for thought.

/r/Christianity Thread