Do I need a weapon to feel safe on runs?

I haven't run in neighborhoods like this... but I'm not sure I would choose to run outdoors if this is what it was like. Any route that makes me feel unsafe (esp. because of the cars/trucks driving on it and weird guys) is one I avoid in the future.

If I were in your situation, I'm not sure having pepper spray/knife would make me feel safer. I feel like people will still scream at you, dogs will still bark, etc. I like running on tracks, maybe you can use a nearby high school track when it's not in use (clockwise and counterclockwise to switch it up)? Otherwise sounds like a treadmill is the way to go-- make your workout area one that you look forward to using! Running outside is the best, but running is more than where you are able to go- focus on the mental parts! Don't give up running :)

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