Never been popular or wanted amongst men, am I missing out on something?

True. OP, if you have never received attention that very likely might have something to do with looks. While that sounds harsh, there's another side to it. Many people can improve on this rather drastically by changing a few things. I definitely struggled when younger as I just didn't want to do those things. Still find them a waste of time and super unfair that most guys don't have to do some of these but realize that in this world looks matter, not just for romantic relationships, but jobs and a lot of other things too.

Remember that none of this reflects on you inside, just that it will be harder to get to share the wonderful person you are inside if you aren't getting past the first impression stage.

Some things (based on American attractiveness norms):

Hair can be improved with the right conditioner, hair gel, hair cut. I had a ball of terrible frizz that is now a head of spirally curls that even women comment on.

Facial hair - Shaping eye brows and doing your upper lip and chin makes a huge difference to your face. My eyebrows WILL try to meet up and throw a party in the middle if I don't stop them.

Contacts instead of glasses at social events. Of course great glasses can enhance a face but in case they are not, take them out of the equation. Looking back, I had some fugly glasses.

Body hair - Legs and armpits at least if you are in the us. Wax arms if overly hairy.

Odor - Shower/deodorant. Wash clothes after 1-2 wears.

Teeth - Are they relatively straight and white? Can be fixed if not. Americans seem to be obsessed with perfect teeth.

Posture - Good posture is monumental. Look up youtube videos and practice. Shoulders back, boobs up, chin up.

Clothes - Pick an outfit off a romcom. They are usually cute but unoffensive. Wear some jewelry.

Makeup - tough one, easy to overdo. But you said light makeup and that sounds good.

Expression - some people have what is called resting b---h face - which is to say they look pissed off when they are not. Find candid photos of yourself to see if you have this or posture problems. Try to be conscious of keeping a positive, open, quick-to-smile expression when in social situations.

Weight - Not easy to change. But first, if you carry it well and dress flatteringly, there are guys that love a lot of different shapes and sizes. Posture can help a great deal here too.

Been wracking my brain to figure out who will tell you which of these things might help you. My best guess is a trusted, attractive, older lady like an aunt or Mom of a friend. Friends never want to say "mean things" and your mom can't see you objectively as they love you. Guys often don't know what work women do to add up to the attractive person they see (on the outside). But an attractive kind older woman may help you out.

Really hope none of this hurts your feelings. It is not intended to. It just made a big difference in my life and I had to piece it together over 18-30. Happily married now to an exceedingly good looking man. Best of luck!

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