Never forget what a lowlife piece of shit Rush Limbaugh was. Here he is making fun of Michael J Fox's Parkinsons. That was Rush. A piece of human garbage through and through.

  1. You don't think it's a big deal to possess Viagra without a prescription.
  2. I noted that it is a crime in America.
  3. You don't think it should be and you then told me its generic name.
  4. I noted in America possession of a controlled substance without a prescription is a crime and that often people that are assholes commit crimes. Also, many criminals are assholes.
  5. You became upset that the Viagra shouldn't be illegal and pointed out that the America legal system sucks as evidenced by Jim Crow and some super specific example from WWII.
  6. I stayed interested long enough to understand that you are defensive of Viagra's legal status and that you have some interest in WWII code breakers.
  7. I then noted that The American legal system is fundamentally sound even though it's troubled in some ways. I then reiterated my original view that assholes are often criminals and criminals are often assholes. I provide a specific example of an asshole engaging in sex tourism with illegal drugs as an example of that.
  8. You remained upset about Viagra. We ended and you indicated that my lack of interest in learning from you was to blame.
  9. Interesting back and forth. Thanks for your time.
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