New 01/26/16 Patch Fractal Haiku

Actually, it's really cool that you mentioned this, because I've been thinking about this very topic ever since the patch dropped. Do revenants do more dps with their new rotation (using sword 2 every 4 seconds) than they did pre-patch (with 11111 only, no sword 2 use)?

I did some napkin math, and what I calculated matches up with what you're saying. In a vacuum, a revenant with their new rotation will do an extra 28% dmg than they did before with auto-attacks alone. With quickness up, the damage increase is less impressive -those auto-attack nerfs really add up when you're attacking so quickly- but it still comes to a 15% dps increase. Now, I didn't account for anything complicated like the sword 2 cast time or input lag or anything like that. I'm sure the real world dps increase is not as high as what's written above. Despite this, I'm confident that it's still a dps increase at the end of the day.

Oh, and of course, if you manage to get alacrity and drop the cooldown on sword 2 by 33%, these percentages will jump up even more.

However, everything above assumed that you could use sword 2 all day with no regard to energy use. This is not true in-game. I spend my time in raids swapping between Glint and Jalix. In Glint, I typically keep up might/fury/swiftness/boon duration and the energy drain is slow enough that I can squeeze in as many sword 2s as I want before a stance swap. That's as close to ideal as I can get. Jalix is a different story. With continuous upkeep on double hammers and boon duration, I lose energy too fast. I might be able to squeeze a single sword 2 in before I go dry.

I have to say, I've been playing my revenant a lot post-patch, and this single change has really added a lot of nuance to the game. Of course, pressing 2 every 4 seconds is not mechanically challenging in any way, but it adds a lot to the energy management aspect of the class. I have to decide every few seconds "is it worth using 2 right now for the dps? If I do it, will I run out of energy too quickly? Do I want to save that energy for a different spell? Should I turn off a boon/double hammers just so I can squeeze one more sword 2 before the stance switch?" And so on.

Anyhoo, sorry for the sidetrack. I just thought what you wrote was really interesting, and I had to add to it. Feel free to throw back questions, concerns, how I mathed it out, etc.

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