The New Black Panthers Party is featured in /r/pics with the mod team's blessings. This is not a repeat from last month.

Well, there are likely as many reasons as with any other group that receives a lot of hate, and Jews themselves are as diverse, too, so I hope my response doesn't sound like a stereotype because I don't intend for it to be at all. I'm probably gonna fail but I'm going to try to answer in good faith.

I suspect part of the rub, though, is their belief that they are "God's chosen people". But I think it goes beyond the fact that they claim that as a belief, but into how that belief manifests in their day to day lives... I've known a lot of Jewish people who are strong, confident, fearless people... Some do really do LIVE like they are God's chosen people. It's a bit of a "I'm gonna do what I want because I have God in my side". Like with anything, a little of that is great, but too much might be seen by some as a bad thing (see Netanyahu, Israeli policy on Palestine, other examples). Many Jews seem to think and act like they are entitled to certain things, even land, simply because there are Jewish or because they have been historically persecuted.

I realize this post sounds hateful and I'm really really not trying to make it sound that way. I respect my Jewish friends a lot and I think They're a beautiful culture, but I think there's a lot of insecurity or jealousy from those who have been left on the outside of this exclusive club, and some people get really shitty when faced with that fact. And I do think some Jewish people project that chip on their shoulder that likely infuriates some outside groups.

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