New Player Opinion: This game has a good grind

A game is a product. Of a business. Theres the option of spending money, and they make it more enticing to do so because why the hell would they not? That’s literally the point of a business. It’s up to the player of a baseline f2p to have self control and decide whether to spend real money or not. Im at 1340 ilvl completely f2p because I’ve had a ton of time to grind this game out and not once have I ever felt like I was gated by a paywall. I’ve been able to buy pretty much every single material in Mari’s shop when I needed bc ive gotten over 10k crystals from just converting gold. My progression isnt even slowed although of course, it wouldve been much faster if i spent real money and simply bought everything. Point is, as far as an MMO goes, this is the least greedy business model I’ve personally ever seen. Of course they want you to spend your money but theyre not forcing anyone to in any capacity

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