The new seelie reminds me of a certain someone...

  1. I think Scaramouche having future story relevance is not a great point, since Childe is playable and he will certainly turn up again in the story because of his connections to the abyss and Shnezhnaya.
  2. Scaramouche almost certainly has some connection to the Raiden Shogun. If we look at the surpassing cup lore, it seems like he was either created by her, or created along side her, possibly by the old electro archon. It would absolutely make sense that he becomes playable in a place he has such a connection to.
  3. This may be a hot take, but I have my doubts that Signora will be playable. Aside from the monster model, her current design would have to be heavily modified in order for her to become playable. As she is, it's very hard for me to imagine her running climbing, jumping swimming etc without it becoming a clipping nightmare. Aside from the Rosaria boob nerf, Mihoyo has never changed the model between the character being an NCP and becoming playable.
  4. Even if she is playable, who's to say we cant have both? There's 11 harbingers and only 7 nations.
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