What’s the worst pain you’ve experienced and what caused it?

Cluster headaches, aka "suicide headaches"

I rarely have headaches, have had a migraine a couple times in life. But none of that prepared me for a week of cluster headaches. The pain was like being stabbed with the end of a cudgel straight into the side of my head. I couldn't sleep, couldn't even sit still.

It was very different from a migraine, where I'd want to lay down in darkness, avoid moving, avoid noise. With the cluster headache I had to pace around, constantly moving, press on my head.

I took way too many painkillers, I wasn't even sure what they were, I just needed relief. They would fade sometimes but come roaring back, repeatedly for a week.

Thing is, I was on vacation. I'd flown across the country, and gotten them there. They didn't come back after I got home. Now, I have no idea if it's coincidence. Don't know if it's due to the plane, the different location despite a similar elevation, or bad luck coinciding with a trip.

But it's made me leery to ever go back.

/r/AskReddit Thread