The new BE system feels completely unrewarding, null and doesn't transmit a sense of progress with your account nor progress per-game in the least

not true, you dont even have FWOTD until lvl 15 It is true, see my other posts (or riots) explaining it. The main reason for this is because the xp gained per game almost doubled, while xp required per level increased only slightly. they gave me back only ~20% of that amount back Fair enough, but you got good use out of the runes for however long you had them. I used mine for a few years and they definitely were a gameplay advantage. I didn't expect any sort of refund when buying them, even if they became obsolete, so getting even a partial refund was nice. It's pretty fair IMO, but I guess this is subject to personal opinion. as far as I know we don't get skins, just champions and emotes/wards for milestone levels I thought orange skin shards could be milestone rewards as well seeing as gemstones were, but I don't think riot explicitly listed them, so I may have been wrong on this. Either way its still a bonus we didn't have before.

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