New York judge arrested by State Troopers for DUI on her way to court

Went to a bar to watch the Super Bowl. Looked at everyone and just about everyone was slamming beers or Jack and was I. After the game, everyone just got in their cars and left. Drinking and driving is very common and the ones who use designated drivers are very rare. But it's not all bad because the local governments make a killing with DUIs. You get a DUI and immediately the next day your mailbox is filled with letters from attorneys who scare the shit out of you and really give a great pitch for you to hire them. And the driving schools... Huge money as well, even though it's useless and your teacher doesnt really care, just wants your money and he'll give you the answers you need for the final exam on the last day of the 3 day course.

Ok now you spent about 2 grand on an attorney that really doesn't do anything. They'll even admit that he/she ain't doing shit but showing up. You go to court and he/she talks to the prosecutor and asks "so what deal can we make?". If it's your first then it can be downgraded to reckless driving. That's it. That's all your attorney will do, but you still need that attorney because the courts will punish you for not having an attorney because it looks like you don't care even though anyone with half a brain can do the job of defending themselves unless of course you think your innocent, then you would need a lawyer. See how they work? Scratching each other's back. The DA and defense attorneys are so damn friendly with each other. Great business partners.

So you plead guilty to reckless and your license is suspended and you have to pay a huge fine. Don't have all the money to pay that fine immediately? Probation time! I won't get into all the ways they rape you but John Oliver did a great piece on that. Just YouTube "John Oliver Municipal Violations". Your $700 fine can turn into close to 2 grand. Oh, and the community service. 80 hours of that which needs to be done ASAP so be prepared to take off of work to get that done in a timely manner or your PO will put you back in front of the judge for violations.

I understand drunk driving is bad. But I hate the zero tolerance ways states go about it. Me blowing a .09 when I got pulled over for texting at a red light shouldn't be prosecuted in the same manner as someone who fails to maintain a lane and blows a .13 or whatever. It's only going to get more ridiculous since they plan on reducing the legal limit to .05. That's like a beer and a half.

I'm not sure why I went on this rant other than to say DUI laws are over the top, and are just a huge money grab with plenty of hands out.

Sincerely, Evil buzzed driver

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