New Zealand's new prime minister called capitalism a "blatant failure", before citing levels of homelessness and low wages as evidence that "the market has failed" her country's poor.

I have insurance and store money away for emergencies

You realize not everyone can afford to do that right? And you realize your insurance can choose which injuries/illnesses they do or do not cover. Your entire argument against socialised health care is "I can afford my own so we don't need it" which is such an unbelievably selfish stance on the issue.

Per capita doesn't mean much. It just means how much wealth a country has per person. E.g if 1 country has 1 billionaire and 49 people starving to death and the other country has 50 people with 1mil each then the first country wins, even though the second country is a better place to live. The US has higher income inequality than most European countries, higher crime rate and the highest prison population in the world. Per capita don't mean shit outside of arguing which country has more money, sorry.

Also as for your argument about "people going bankrupt from not being able to work, not medical bills" can I get a source on that? Because when I googled it everything was just talking about how many Americans go bankrupt every year due to medical debt.

Can I also get a source on Americans receiving more welfare benefits than Europeans thing? Also looked that up and couldn't find anything. My key words might have been a bit off.

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