Nice guy humble brags on fb about having money to spend on girls when he gets stood up on a date

I never understood why people spend so much time and effort going through these costly mating rituals. It's much more cost effective to just use a prostitute. Imagine all the unsolved problems in math and science that could be solved if we would divert our attention away from these silly mating rituals.

Sure tinder makes it much easier, however you have to invest your time rather than money. That's time you could be at work, or in the gym and you're essentially wasting it socializing, without any guarantee of results.

I guess I'm bias being asexual, however even if you weren't you'd be better off just taking 15 minutes to jack off and if you happen to get lonely (which, in my experience, can be avoided by getting a job with long hours and acquiring a few friends) take solace in the fact that it's just an evolutionary adaptation intended to make people mate.

This guy spent $50 on essentially nothing. He could have put that money in his IRA/401K, he could have put in into an index fund, but instead chose to waste it on trivial matters.

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