[NJ] Planning on renting the first floor of my friends parents house after doing work. Now they are acting crazy and demanding money. I want to leave, but I don't know about reprocussions

No cash except for utilities. And then eventually got it switched in our name.

As for staying there itbwas usually Saturday nights. Inatead of sleeoing in my buddies floor after we jammed and gad some beers. Once January came we stayed upstairs on those Saturday nights. In March it became maybe 2 nights a week ad I was doing work up there. In May it became a couple more. And then when I got a job up thete it was often. August was meh as we were unsure after the 1200 mention. Then we came back and figured it out.

As for stuff, we didnt have much. Some clothes, a towel, pillow, blankets. My guitars were down stairs but for the past 2 years since we all play together and thats where we play. Had a couple cups and a crock pot. The rest was tools and supplies.

Didnt use kitchen cuz its all fucked up, amd the oven was gross. Mostly eat out or at our restaurants since my girl and I bartend and my buddy is a chef.

The family dinners were for years with the grandma. Recently maybe twice since January. When we used the grill or crockpot we would offer to them.

Let me know whatever questions you have

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