
I'm sure I'll get shit for this, but while it is beyond RIDICULOUS that this person expects anyone to believe that they would be told that at 11, I am an adult and actually have been told by a psychiatrist that I 'possibly' have BPD. I had two sessions before I ran out of money for it (very expensive) and just stopped going. At the end of the second session, we discussed possible diagnoses so far and he mentioned a handful things one of which was BPD, but insisted that he would need more time with me to be sure. I just couldn't afford to keep going so that was the end of it lol but my point is that while you wouldn't be told you might have something at 11 years old, I have actually experienced being told as an adult that I 'possibly/probably' have something but did not get an official diagnosis. It would never happen at 11 years of age lmao

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