No, you cannot watch Ryan Toy Review today

He has plenty of stimulation outside of the television. Between toys - his sister - and being outside. One of us is constantly with them providing more than enough bonding. Frankly it’s the mindless draw. I don’t think for one second it’s because he feels the need to be spoiled - or wants to be spoiled. My problem is the actual content of the videos themselves - that’s to say those surprise egg videos; Ryan’s Toys Review: even those damn vines like that Eh Bee family. My wife and I barely watch television and when we do it’s for an hour or so before we go to bed. Sometimes, yes, I’ll put something on because damnit I need a minute to do the dishes; or laundry; or a break from two toddlers. My problem stems from him wanting nothing to do with say; Disney or PBS but instead being drawn to this crap on YouTube - which we never introduced. He somehow found it a while back while at my in laws (but that’s a story I’m not gonna debate or discuss here). I’m certainly not the only one whose child is drawn to these videos so I don’t think he’s unique in the sense he gets no bonding or stimulation at home. If he was the only one; Ryan’s family - or the other channels for that matter wouldn’t continue pumping out garbage.

It’s tough and tiring to say the least and I’m sure at this point it’s a phase. Between the “threenager attitude” and a daughter coming into her “terrible twos” - I’m surprised I haven’t keeled over from a coronary yet!

But yes. Thank you for your thoughts!

/r/Parenting Thread