no consistency in good morning texts, problem?

You’re just overthinking. Sometimes, people want their own space. It doesn’t necessarily mean something’s wrong with the relationship. Like for example some times I want my alone time even if it’s just scrolling through my phone. If I see my bf’s message and don’t reply instantly…it’s not the end of the world. And on the other end…as long as my bf replies within the day, I’m usually fine. And when he responds he’s usually like “mb I was at work” or something along those lines.

But keep in mind that that’s our dynamic. There are so many LDRs on here that don’t even text everyday. Rather, they spend quality time with each other over the weekend, and that’s what works for them.

I remember when my LDR was fairly new and I would get insecure when my bf wouldn’t respond within in hour despite him JUST texting me. Or he wouldn’t reply but would send me a reel on instagram. Whenever I confronted him, he was just like “oh i put my phone down and walked away” or would apologize for not responding. To me that was baffling. But i got used to it. And soon enough I realized there’s no need for him to apologize just because I’m not used to the way he texts. Now, I’m not as anal about replying to people instantly. I think that’s just text-culture nowadays.

Days like that will happen. Where one is not replying as quick is usually. If that’s unusual, and it’s upsetting you, just talk to them about it. You’re not a burden. I repeat, you’re not a burden. Just tell her how you feel!! Communication is a MUST for an LDR. And if you both are mature enough, the issue will resolve itself :))

/r/LDR Thread