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Second half wasn't bad at all, turning point being the Martian Manhunter reveal. The main villain(s) were lame, but I was able to look past it because the show was obviously meant to be a campy superhero chick flick teen thriller with CGI-heavy action sequences and surreal sci-fi scenarios, but I wouldn't say it was bad at all.

I didn't like the first half, however, at all. Because it took them quite a while to find their stride, and the episodes were ... skippable. Jimmy Olsen wasn't well represented, the dynamic between the other side characters and supergirl was a little brown-nosed, and the Flash crossover was awful. Also, everytime they tried to divert from a Superman reveal, going as far as to power him down and brainwash him, I died inside.

The boss lady and the creepy billionaire tech lord with the deus ex machina earpiece were welcome sights, and the sister and mother were tolerable at times, but as long as the second half of Season 4 has episodes like Taken, Eleven Fifty Nine, Sins of the Father, and Canary Cry, its fair to say Arrow edges it.

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