Non-Scots of the UK, what are your opinions on Scottish Independence?

Look I am not actually disagreeing with you, I am just stating a reason, for right or for wrong, why there is a lot of anti-SNP / Scottish sentiment right now.

You say it is your parliment just as much as Englands yet you hear so, so much about how Scotland is not represented and gets Tory rule when they didn't vote for them at all. Thats actually fair enough I agree, its a massive Pro independence point for sure.

I am just saying that for good or bad reasons, when Scotland says they are not fairly represented with the political situation, getting conservative governments they didnt vote for, it does show a "us vs them" mentality.

The English will get tetchy if you keep hinting at them forcing political situations on the Scots and preventing them having their idealistic ways as with the SNP.

I would hasten to add when i say " scots" and "you" it is such a general term. Most moderate people, like the comment you made are more than reasonable and i agree with it.

I am just trying to indicate the reasons for the tensions going on right now for whatever good or bad reasons.

It goes both ways, UKIPers are pretty annoyed that Scotland can get a similar number of votes to themselves (not the exact same but in the same ballpark) and get 50X more seats than themselves.

I hope that makes sense and i actually agree with what you say a lot of it, I am just playing devils advocate to some extent and it is undeniable that these thoughts are running through the English electorate opinions right now.

You are also right, maybe people are too patriotic / nationalistic to accept the criticism on both sides. I am not saying thats a good thing but of course some English totally over react to the criticism, some Scots do totally criticise England. Nobody is better or perfect here, I do agree that the discussion is marred by personal feelings more than logic. You can see that with the name calling and attack on any comment on here saying contrary to what people want to hear.

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