Nostalrius Announcement


Nost and Blizz met, Blizz stopped communicating with Nost shortly after, Nost challenged Blizz towards the start of Blizzcon to make announcements or at least talk to them, Blizz didn't, Nost is now releasing their source code, the quality of private servers will now improve drastically to near that of WoW in 2004, Blizz can't shut down most private servers meaning Legacy players will likely always have a place to play, Elysium will get special treatment since they share similar values with Nost, Elysium announced they'll ignore any C&D Blizz sends their way.

For those of your ready to complain and get pissed off I just wanna mention something, this will literally stop the discussion about Nostalrius whilst also allowing the WoW team to continue work on Legion and future expansions which is what you want right?

For all we know the guys at Blizzard could've told Nost off the record to do this since they don't see enough profit but would like to see Legacy become a thing in some big 'Garona kills the king' esque conspiracy but to do it in a way so they can't come after them legally whilst also not losing the trademark on Warcraft. Who knows really.

My point is, this is a good thing for everyone except Blizz' legal department, which let's be real no one actually gives a shit (sorry lawyers). It's not ideal but would you rather everything be up in the air and be 'harassed' by the other side of the topic regardless of what side you're on?

Not perfect, but it'll do just fine.

/r/wow Thread Link -