At not even the half way point. I think I got to deep into the story..

You srsly think you're the only hunter?

Dude, if you haven't played MHFU, let me wrap things up for you. There was a great Hunter in Pokke village who got hurt badly while hunting a Tigrex, so he retired. About a week later you arrive in Pokke to do some simple fetch quests. Hunt down some Herbivores, get some shrooms, search for an egg, slay some smaller Giadromes etc...


But then you get sent to hunt a Blangonga who threatens the town, but instead you have to face the Tigrex who hurt the other Hunter. In that scenario you and your equipment are in noooooo~ shape to kill that beast. So you either cart or abort the mission (except when you're already really skilled and experienced you can PROBABLY finish the mission, doesn't matter but I don't think you can damage him)


All the events in MHFU play in that little town Pokke. And there are only 3 hunters. You, the retired ex-hunter and the Trainer. Yeah, there's also the Tsundere in the guild hall, but guess what, she's got shit to do on her own too.

It's not that simple to get a Hunter dedicated to one town. The world of MH is gigantic, probably even way bigger than our own. Most areas probably aren't even explored due to Monster overpopulation. In your worst quests are 3 to 4 Monsters at the same time, now guess what, those missions take place in areas where Felynes live and where humans live close by AND the guild still has influence. So you're just making sure that these areas don't get overrun and the plague spreads even further.

Tell me, when you walk through Val Habar, how many hunters do you regularily meet, except for the Ace hunters? Imma tell you: It's only 2!

So there are 7 or 8 Hunters in Val Habar including you and the Aces can't do shit because they weren't prepared for the Magala. Also: They are pretty Bad Ass for splitting up in the middle of the mission (that was already doomed to fail) to ensure that the info about Magala gets to the guild. They could've easily died in the everwoods.

They don't send you because you're bad ass, they send you because you have Time on your hands. We all collectively are probably the laziest hunters in the whole world of MH. Even if we'd completely devote ourselves to hunting we could only hunt about 8 hours a day, maybe even 16, but the real hunters hunt for 8 or 16 DAYS or WEEKS! And they can't just go to a smith and tell him to upgrade their weapons or armor like "Hey I need an Armor Sphere here and there" clank clank ready. They are out there, clearing whole Areas of Monsters in organized groups, making sure that nature and civilization stay seperate for as long as possible. Then there are scouts who are even deeper in monster territory, risking their lifes day after day to explore even further and make sure that the Guild is prepared for what comes next. Who knows what horrors lie beyond our game-comfort zone. There might be whole mountains spewing out hundreds of that demon breed every hour. There might be some Ultra Gogmazios, spreading a blight, there are definitely dragons and races beyond our wildest dreams roaming free in the unchecked corners or the eldest of eldest dragons who make fatalis look like a little kitten underneath the earth where not even the Troverians can dig. The dragon war might be over, but if you think you can sleep for a whole night because all the big ones are gone now you're simply wrong.

Don't tell me that you're some kind of Hero who can slay a little mushroom like the Gore Magala. Or you're so allmighty you can defeat a Dalmadur on your own. You get carted back to camp by felynes when it's close. Out there in the unchecked wilderness, where our games don't bring us, where you don't leave your spit in the box because "it takes too much space in my inventory", where you can't just bring all combo books or switch to a different armor because you want to come prepared. Out there: a mean set of teeth or a claw as big as a house is the last thing you'll ever see.

/r/MonsterHunter Thread