Not so tall and attractive men, how did you get a relationship with the girl that you thought was out of your league?

hey man, I feel ya, 164 on a good day. That said I'm fairly happy with how I've done with women. Ironically, most of what stops me from landing the ladies is myself - more often than not I convince myself they're not into me because a lack of confidence around being short; by the time I realize they're actually into me its usually too late. I've heard a lot of girls say they don't date short guys, not much you can do about that - and I know there are plenty of girls who would've dated me were I taller. But I have successfully had very fulfilling relationships with girls that most people would consider out of my league - the main thing that helped me out is that I didn't consider them out of my league. They ate that confidence right up. The other thing I suggest is just own it - don't pretend like you're a giant dude - Napoleon complexes don't do well on anyone let alone short guys, wear clothes that fit, don't arbitrarily take steroids - lift weights because you want to be stronger, not because you feel a need to be big - chase the fitness goals you want because they're useful to you - not because they will be attractive to your partner - most importantly man grow your brain - a lot of women will dismiss you because of your height - a lot more will dismiss you if you aren't smart. Sure a tall guy can get away with being stupid - he also has to live with being stupid. There is a sweet irony in being short that you have to work very hard to develop yourself; it builds a certain resilience and potentially strength. It's all how you use it my friend. Shorter uglier people than yourself have successfully mated to get us to where we are; I'm sure you'll figure it out - number one tip develop yourself every way you can - you may not be able to grow taller but if you wow her with your words you can look like Danny Devito and still get it in. He is married after all.

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