November 07, 2016 - November 14, 2016 Weekly Questions & Help Megathread

I have a couple of questions for y'all.

I'm rank 139. I'm in the process of acquiring Piccolo and Goku awakening medals from the villain event. I cannot get father with my current villain set up, though I would love to get the medals for SSJ Gohan /INT and SSJ Trunks /INT

Once I get those medals should I try and farm the 3x XP in the story mode? I have an amazing mono PHY team that can annihilate Whis on 18.5 with no issues.

Or should I try to acquire the SSJ Goku /STR from the crossover event to level up the special attack of my multitude of SSJ Gokus? (I have 5 Gokus to level up the SA for, including SSJ Goku /PHY).

Or should I try to farm one of the farmable SSRs that are available (eg Whis /AGI)?

Or should I farm Trunks or Tao for an LR Goku team? My super strike teams are awful, but I have the AGI team to beat both Trunks and Tao easily. I have the awakening medals, but they're both SA 1.

I have no intention on participating in the WT very much this time, though the Ultimate Gohan card would be quite nice for my TEQ team. I can't finish the S Vegito nor the Brolly events, and I've already dokkaned my Gogeta.

Thanks for the advice

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