Now That The Second Chance Cast Has Been Released, Which Player Do You Think Will Be Most Different Than Their Public Perception?

Run them down?

Varner - He'll be what people expect

Savage - I think he may come off as even more arrogant this time, may fall on the other side of the likable line from Pearl Islands

Terry - Will be Terry, but less athletic

Shane- Shane will be a little less crazy, but still enter....WAIT. SHANE'S NOT ON! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!

Stephen - I don't think Stephen will be much different. He might also not be around long.

Vytas - Vytas could really be the villain this time. I do think he'll be more dynamic at the very least, similar to how Aras was more dynamic the second time.

Spencer- Spencer will be more or less the same. I know he wants to be the villain but I don't know if he has that in him.

Woo- Woo could make a big jump this time, in terms of entertainment and gameplay. I don't think he knew what Survivor was the first time. I think he's going to come out and try to be Tony, which will be entertaining and also likely to fail hard.

Jeremy - I think Jeremy isn't going to play differently. He kind of has it in his head that the reason he lost is because of all the stupid people he played with, and I don't think that bodes well.

Keith - May be slightly more strategic, but that's not saying much. Otherwise is still Keith. Stick to the plan.

Joe - I feel like Joe may get a real chance to show some strategy. He was just so much of a threat in WA, that his hands were tied. All Star seasons will be less likely to target the athletic type, so he may actually get to play the game. We'll see how he does.

Kelly- Who knows?

Kimmi - Who knows?

Peih-gee - Will be more fun and slightly less intense I think this time. If she wasn't such a feisty underdog in China I don't think she'd be as loved, so I'd say if she comes out the same way without the circumstances to help her she may be a massive disappointment to the viewers. The question is does she play like China or is she more like the person we've seen on the campaign trail?

Monica - She's a fun person, but I can see her getting pretty ignored in the edit, especially if she doesn't make it far.

Abi-Maria - Will be exactly the same. May get a more positive reaction this time though.

Ciera - I think Ciera's going to be a letdown. I can't explain it other than a hunch that I think she's known for big moves and she won't get the chance to make those this time.

Kass- I think getting to know Kass from the post show has given us more of an appreciation of her. She'll be more or less the same out there, but everyone will like it a lot more.

Tasha - She's really going to get a chance to be cut-throat. I'm excited.

Kelley - See Monica, except with less feistyness potential.

Shirin - I'm nervous about Shirin. I think people will still find her annoying and it will be a springboard to more unpleasantness. And while I will still like Shirin, I feel she may take more of the blame this time.

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