As of now, in your opinion, what is the best VR game that has the best immersion, game play, graphics and play time, either overall or by category?

Thank you for your reply! Please let us know what you think of Battle Dome. After I read the instructions and played the game for about twenty minutes (it took a little while to get used to the gameplay mechanics), I was blown away by how different the gameplay felt. It felt unlike anything I had ever played (again, similar to playing Quake for the first time). In fact, playing Battle Dome didn't feel like I was playing a video game at all. It felt more like I was playing paintball or laser tag. It felt less like playing a video game and more like having an experience, and many people are getting some exercise from the game. This is the first Vive title (other than Budget Cuts) where the movement system enhances the gameplay. When playing Space Pirate Trainer, I feel constricted, because I want to be able to run all around without chaperone boundaries, but if people could just run around freely in Battle Dome without chaperone boundaries, it would actually decease the strategic depth of the game. Battle Dome took a limitation of VR (the limited movement) and turned it into a strength that enhances the strategic depth and fun of the gameplay. And great point by the way when you said it feels like we are "in the early stages of some huge thing." Battle Dome really gives me a glimpse of the future of VR, and the gameplay mechanics has the best chance of becoming something like a Vive killer app. And Battle Dome is only possible with room-scale, because of the need to turn around in all directions. Although it's still very early, I am surprised that Valve is not doing with Battle Dome what they did with Counterstrike and Portal by investing in or hiring the people involved.

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