NPC's see some weird shit.

"I don't know if he was no 'dragon-corn', m'lord, but he and his companion was strange folk."

"Talos knows we've heard stories... Speak your mind here".

"Well m'lord, he strode on in, all cut up and bleeding in his black scaly armour with his near nude woman behind him. I dunno where he got it, some place unholy most like, but he pulled 3 potions, drank 'em down then polished off... 5 or 6 cabbages and some bread - don't know how many, he scarfed 'em so fast."

"That doesn't sound very strange. Mayhaps he was hungry."

"There's worse, m'lord. He started creepin' round, botherin' the other travelers in the inn. He took the breeches off Embry without 'im sussin'! He was sittin', too. After, he started lookin' all intent like at the innkeep, standing for near 2 with this look on his face... there was nothin'. Nothin' at all he was thinkin', jus... waitin'. For what only the gods know."

"That is odd..."

"You weren't heard the worst of it, m'lord, no! He was hoppin' around, shoutin' and throwin' around all the food like there was strings attached. Unholy, it was! He picked up a basket and put it on my head - I didn't dare move! I was so scared, so scared, m'lord... I jus' kept still, sippin' at my ale beneath the basket so he weren't think nothin' was suspect. I heard him go into a room and shut the door with his woman, so I took me and mine and left as fast as my legs dared carry me."

"That's it?"

"No... when I was leavin' everyone was just doing as they always did. Sven was singin', Orgnar was cleanin' the bar, but they all had baskets on their heads and didn't do nothin' about it. Just like it was all normal and such. All the food was gone, and where there was nothin' at all before was this huge pile of clothes, arms, armour and books. He scared me, that one did."

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