Reddit, what is your best "I didn't make it to the toilet" story?

Not really a story where I wanted to make it to the toilet

Me and my friends used to get bullied by this one dumb kid who was like 6"4' at age 16. Nobody could possibly fight back and win. So I decided to use unconventional tactics.

I bought a bag of tidy whities from a dollar store one day and wrote his name on the tag. His name was pretty unique so nobody would get confused who it was. Then any day I was at school and needed to shit I would bring a pair and wipe my ass with it and leave it in the stall so it looked like he was the culprit.

Did this about 6 times and the entire school litteraly got fed up with his shit. People started holding their noses around him and someone tried to give him diaper. Shit was pure gold because only me and my friends knew it was me who was doing it.

I just bought another bag of undies and put his asshole friend's name on them so people would think they were wearing each other's underwear when he had to switch schools. Needlessly to say I was devastated.

/r/AskReddit Thread