[NSFW] How is extreme bdsm different from domestic abuse, or is it different at all?

Okay, but help me out... How is this not just... Idk. Abuse on its face? One of the chicks I saw on an overwhelming deep dive of the internet today showed a picture of her face and it looked like she had been beaten up in an MMA fight. But the caption was, "daddy made me pretty".

I suppose I can accept the fact I'll never understand, but I have to think that is straight up abuse. The fact she likes it should make it okay? There was a dude who went on a fet forum about his wish to be canabalised. Should it at some point be out of the sub's hands and we should assume the dom knows better?

Say they have a sexual interest in being suffocated to death. Does that mean it is now okay for the other to do that? I realise this is an extreme, but getting the shit beaten out of you for sexual pleasure disturbs me also, and doesn't seem far from escalation.

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