The Obama Administration announced that healthcare premiums will be increasing by 25% on average next year. Moreover, consumers will have fewer provider choices than before as insurers continue to back out. Where do we go from here and what implications will this have on midterm and 2020 races?

The only people that like it are people that are getting it for free.

There's also the people who deliberately keep their income low so they can keep their subsidized health insurance, I'm a big fan of them too (sarcasm).

It's ridiculous that healthily people like me are forced to pay for someone who is sick. Socialist programs are a freaking cancer, always sounds great on paper but never work out. They create no incentive for people to work.

Most useful experience in my life, living in a country that supplied socialized solutions. Always nice to have first hand experience with the deficiencies of one vs the other. Capitalism>Socialism

Why should I work 40 hours a week to pay 1000$ a month in premiums so my unemployed pot head nephew can get insurance almost for free?

And when people wonder why I'm not interested in legalizing pot, this is why. Not only do I get pay for said nephew's health insurance, I made the access to his deteriorating health and welfare that much more convenient.

This stuff really pisses off middle class Americans who want to government out of their lives.

Which is why I have voted in every election for legislators to repeal this mess, but hey, I'm just obstructing our great leader comrade Obama's agenda if you know what I'm saying?

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