Obama: 'There's a pattern' of Republicans running the economy 'into the ground' and Democrats having to 'come back and clean things up'

I'm not sure r/politics might be the place to talk about economics but anybody who is at all concerned about our economy and the growing wealth inequality in our country, please please please take a look at Professor Richard Wolff's talks on Marxian economics and what socialism TODAY, not your grandfather's socialism, could look like for our country.

I'm not some economic charlatan trying to sway you into any political ideologies for purposes of supporting the left or the right. I don't care if you're pro 2nd amendment and anti immigration or pro gun control and support abortion rights. This is a problem that affects and will affect ALL OF US, not just Americans, just like it did during the great depression only this time I can promise you it will be far far worse due to how interconnected our economies now are. The time to act is NOW!

/r/politics Thread Link - businessinsider.com