[Off-topic] Let's hear it fellas!

So I'm trying to get into Medical Device Sales or in a position as a Medical Science Liaison.

I am in the unfortunate situation of lacking the accolades that match my knowledge of science and medicine and skill-set. I also don't have the direct sales or consulting experience required in these two positions.

How can I possibly explain on my resume or cover letter that I spent years delving far deeper into medicine than was covered in my dental curriculum just satisfy my intellectual passions? How can I explain the hundreds+ hours I spent reading academic journals not to prepare for a presentation for a conference where I produced Youtube proof, but to 'win' debates on science forums? I can I prove that years of arguing with natural fallacy pseudoscience adherents who infest the libertarian movement prepared me to answer any left-field medical questions proposed by lunatics, let alone those with actual scientific knowledge?

How can I explain that while I lack official sales experience, I spent a decade in the black market honing my social skills?

I dropped out of dental school a year before graduating with a DDS. So far every Medical Science Liaison position has required a PhD, MD, or PharmD. In my mind I'm close enough, but I don't know if hiring managers will share this mindset. If I would have finished my DDS I would have practiced as a dentist and not applied to the job in the first place.

A huge percentage of scientists are social retards. But I imagine they look so much better on their CV than I do.

I'm not making excuses. Just venting. I know if I get the opportunity I will be great at either of those two careers. I just need someone to give me a chance.

/r/steroids Thread