Official Discussion: Ant-Man [SPOILERS]

I decently enjoyed it and it definitely turned out better than I was expecting. Fun to watch and a good addition to the MCU.


  • Acting was all really solid. Rudd was a good lead.Lily nailed some emotional scenes. Pena was purely comedic but did it well. Plus I actually thought the villain was well done and his motivations understandable, but would liked to have seen more.

  • I enjoyed that they embraced and had fun with the setting. Seeing a fight take place on a Thomas the Tank Engine set was fun.

  • The consequences of fights seemed to come across as a bit heavier. You seemed to believe more that the damage of a bullet will be pretty devastating if it hit Rudd.

  • Comedy was fun, and made the cinema laugh more than once.

  • Cemented itself nicely within the MCU


  • The score was uninspired and unimpressive. Really generic boring stuff and a real letdown. The only enjoyable part was the iPhone music scene, but that lasted all of 10 seconds.

  • The film didn't seem to know what tone it wanted and would chop and change at weird times, and I feel like it would have been better served with more of the comedy being visual that relying on little quips from Rudd and the role of Pena.

  • The pacing felt a little too fast, and it seemed as though a lot happened that we weren't invited to see. I think peoples complaints of Cross would be solved through devoting a little more time to truly fleshing him out. But what was there for him seemed alright for me.

  • The camera work was rarely impressive and a lot of the film relied on purely CGI, which is fine for itself and I think it was well, yet it was all in all fairly bland visually. Although I will say I enjoyed the way the fight scenes were filmed in dealing with both sizes.

Overall a really solid film that was consistently enjoyable to watch.

/r/movies Thread