[Official] General Discussion Thread - February 28, 2019

I'm creating the most in-depth guide of all time on the jab and double jab. I'd like to share a whopping 14 different types of jabs with you and learn what your biggest questions about the jab and double jab are to help me compose this guide.

  1. basic jab
  2. step jab
  3. backstep jab
  4. up-jab
  5. corkscrew/jabbercut
  6. down jab (lomachenko flared elbow)- Shane Fazen from fightTIPS describes this- who else uses it?
  7. stiff jab
  8. pivot jab
  9. power jab
    perhaps less unique in form but still conceptually distinct-
  10. distance-finding jab
  11. counter jab
  12. body jab
  13. jab from long guard
  14. arm jab (typically a feint initiated from the shoulder without power from the body)

Some topics and questions I will address:
-When it may be appropriate to only partially retract a jab.
-How does power come from the feet, waist, shoulders, or snap of turning over the wrist?
-How should different gloves and rules among kickboxing, boxing, and mma affect your jab and jab defense?
-Jabs with southpaws
-Jabs vs shorter or longer opponents

Do you have any advice for my guide? Thanks

/r/MMA Thread