Official Reaction Thread—Volume 4, WoR 4: The Great War

What if his the descendant of bastard sibling to the King of Vale, who instead of lusting for the throne served as best friend/general/secret sibling to King of Vale at the time. The two could have grown up together and since no one knew of his status as a bastard of the previous king, and thus illegitimate heir, people would not see him as someone trying to usurp the throne. He would have also been a trusted ally/friend to the king, if he valued serving and protecting his friend more that even the thought of becoming the did. Thou I have to argue (in my personal opinion) that it would be better if the King of Vale soul was not the soul that merged with Ozpin after he died. I find it to be very convoluted, rather have him be some who originally proposed the idea to the Vale King and used him to spread it out to the other kingdoms, while also securing himself a position as headmaster of Beacon as one of the trusted students to that King. Thus allowing Ozpin to claim that he help to establish the Hunter Academies and personally helped too build the Mistral academy, but also doesn't allow him to be connected to the King of Vale. Thou that does bring up the problem of why the Vale monarchy was removed in favor of the shadow council we had in Vol. 1-3.

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