Ok Reddit let it out what are you ashamed of ?

The example I'm giving my daughters.

On the one hand I'm an intelligent, hard working woman with a good career in the STEM field. I volunteer. I help with their homework, I teach them piano and crafting and life skills, I do my best to encourage their interests.

The problem is that I also do at least 95% of the cooking, housework, and childcare work. Husband simply refuses. My choices are to do it myself, have a huge fight and do it myself anyway, or leave and emotionally scar my children while having to do it all anyway on one salary.

Yes, I should have figured this out when we were first married. I had terrible self esteem from years of bullying and someone liking me and wanting me around was so intoxicating though. And I come from a deeply religious family and am very committed to keeping promises I make. There were promises about sharing the work, too, granted, that weren't kept, but still. I'm an idiot when it comes to relationships. I admit that. I hate myself for it. Doesn't change anything. For now I'm stuck. The kids love their dad (heck I still love their dad, other than the laziness he's a great guy), and he's there for all the fun parts, just not the work parts.

I don't know how to teach my kids not to let a partner treat them like this. I suppose if I did I'd be able to fix my own situation.

All I can come up with is keeping a close eye on anyone they get serious with, and giving them an out if they realize they're making the mistake I made.

/r/AskReddit Thread