Ok Reddit, time to brag. What is the best/most good-hearted thing you have done lately?

The biggest thing lately was trading a vape vendor some web work for vape stuff, which I had him send to an old high school friend who is trying like hell to quit smoking. She doesn't have a lot of money, so I wanted to help her out. Retail total was around $200 I guess? If you're reading this, thanks S!

My old boss lost his grandma just before Christmas, and emailed me on a Saturday morning to do a Photoshop thing in preparation for her funeral. It took me two meticulous, painstaking hours, but I got it done in time. Love that guy.

I mostly do little things. Last week, I helped someone's nona pick out a good bag of basa fillets at the grocery store so her fish wouldn't be freezer burnt. I take carts back to the corral for elderly people, or parents on their own with their kids - especially when it's raining or super cold. I park far away because I can walk, and lots of people need a closer spot. I always hold the door. I buy extra food when I go grocery shopping and give it to broke people I know under the pretense of, "Hey, this is just going to go bad on me, can you use it?" I send free stuff to redditors now and then, to help them out, because I was broke once too, and I've got a little more money now that I've quit smoking. I buy candy and take it to my fiancee's work for the employees.

I sometimes don't bill my clients or my current employer for hours I've worked, because what I do is expensive, and I like to give quiet discounts now and then. I try to pick one person a day to compliment on something - this is getting harder now that I'm working from home, though. I do free tech support for everyone I know, including my superintendent, my future in-laws, other tenants in my apartment building, friends, their family members, my fiancee's coworkers, and random people at the bus stop.

Sorry for the wall of text. It's just nice for me to think about. I like to imagine I'm making a difference, and toting it all up makes it seem more like I could be.

/r/AskReddit Thread