Okay, I haven't been on /r/bitcoin in months, but I just visit and now I'm starting to see a bunch of comments about censorship? Can someone tell me wtf is happening over there?

Theymos has taken it upon himself to deign any full node client that is not blessed by the core developers as an attack on the Bitcoin network. He has decided to classify any and all non core clients alt coin clients that are incompatible with the Bitcoin network and any endorsement, talk of, or resistance to his interpretation is met with deletion of posts, bans and general feet stomping and whining.

Talking about censorship or the other subs that many people have gathered at so we can discuss scaling is also threatened with removal and bans. In my case, I didn't even do any of the above, just commented about how badly theymos was being downvoted for his opinion, as well as making a sacrastic post about theymos banning coinbase, and was labelled a troll/encouraging vote manipulation and subsequently banned, even though I had only made 4 posts in the sub the month previous. He has instructed mods (as well as bunch of new ones that could stomach his stupidity as some refused to play ball) to ban trolling, as well as vet posters' posting histories in case they post unfavourable comments on other subs (as in my case). See here for the new policystupidity.

As a result any and all commenting on the old sub is highly filtered, even new threads need to be manually approved and anything that crosses the line where it is favourable of XT is removed. They also tried to make sticky threads for scaling discussion but most people saw it for the joke it was and instead freely discuss scaling as well as other developments here and in /r/bitcoinxt, /r/bitcoin_uncensored etc. .

Hope that helps.

/r/btc Thread Parent