On my nipple

I got hsv1 on my nipple the same way. I had one minor outbreak, took Valtrex the second time I felt it coming on, and have never had an outbreak since, either there or in another location. It tingles or itches in that spot once in a while, but it's barely noticeable. Apparently this happens to breastfeeding mothers sometimes. It's underreported because people don't realize what it is and it tends to not reoccur, so it doesn't get diagnosed. From what I've read, it is possible to get infected in multiple locations before you've developed antibodies, but once those are there it's very unlikely. Sounds like you haven't had outbreaks in other locations, so you're probably fine there (I think). My doctor also said it's very unlikely to transmit from the breast unless you have an active outbreak (don't know if that's true or not).

/r/Herpes Thread